Januari 11, 2012

Financial Literacy

Ever since I'm Married, I was studying on my life. I was searching, having complete observation through my daily life, especially about financial planning.

4years a go,
Once we decide to get married, my very young age husband and of course me, have nothing to planned. we spent lots of money to held some big wedding party with the helps of my parents, why I said my parents? it is because his parents is not contributing as much as my parents did, consider they are retired already and its time for us to do something with our own money, and be proud of that.

after wedding, we have nothing left, double income yet not savings. dan saat itu adalah waktu dimana kami harus memulai semua nya dari nol. saya mulai menabung melalui tabungan berencana di sebuah bank, dimana setiap tanggal gajian bank tersebut akan mengambil sejumlah uang yg sudah ditentukan sebelumnya dan kemudian menabungkannya ke suatu akun terpisah, dengan bunga yang lebih besar daripada tabungan konvensional biasa. dan setiap tanggal jatuh tempo, tabungan tersebut pasti akan habis untuk membiayai keperluan kami. kembali saya memutar otak.

disela-sela memutar otak (tsaaahh...emang muter otaknye berape lame mpok hehehe) hamil lah saya..jeng jeng, berarti pe er kami jadi dua. menyiapkan tabungan-untuk-hidup-kami-berdua-sekaligus-calon-bayi dan menyiapkan biaya melahirkan (atau kelebihan biaya melahirkan yg tidak ditanggung asuransi)

dimulailah perjalanan panjang sejarah (halah!) financial keluarga kecil kami. setiap bulan kami menyisihkan 500rb-1juta rupiah untuk biaya membeli keperluan bayi dan membiayai biaya melahirkan nanti, dimana uang sejumlah itu sangat besar artinya untuk saya-suami. di sisi lain kami juga membuka tabungan terencana yang lain utk Dana darurat (cuma tabungan macam ini yang saya tahu saat itu), dan juga membuka satu rekening di asuransi unitlink salah satu provider asuransi (walau hanya bertahan selama 3bulan saja--> thank to the internet) Selama beberapa waktu (thank to the internet.AGAIN!) saya belajar banyak tentang keuangan.

I might not a sophisticated women nor a very high salary employee, but yet I have to be able to run my family's money for our own sake.

in 2009, I learn about Reksadana. a year after my daughter has born. at that time, I open 2 planned account at my bank undername of her education fund. it still is until now. we didn't close it. but I manage ourselves to buy some reksadana account. its for her junior high-high school-college education fund planning. it goes well until now.

in 2011, I learned about Logam Mulia. we haven't got chance to manage our own fund for retirement. studying the case of our parents, we didn't want to be our children burden. we will stand to our feet even after we don't work for living anymore. so the next planned: I'm willing to spend money to but Logam Mulia.

once financial planner said: "never put the egg at one basket" so I didn't. I manage to put our own 'egg' to the different 'basket', yet still trying to buy another 'egg' and planning to have another 'basket' to put them all separately. ^_^

Although is a long way process (didn't even close to finish at this 4 years trying) our financial planning must be complete. is a long time learning and a long process to be failed and try again. ^_*

and after another baby comes..here comes my next project (dooh!) punya pohon dollar berbuah emas, hehehehehe

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